Monday, January 18, 2010

So why is it....

That I forget this blog all the time?  Maybe if I actually write in it every now and then someone would read it...quite the novel concept.  All is well in the world of Brittany, I will hopefully be graduating in May (FINALLY) and venture out into the world and do....something.  Hey, you can't expect me to have it all figured out!  Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to all, have a great week, and I will blog again soon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

August Thoughts

I've been reading C.S Lewis's Screwtape Letters (How does one underline things in the blogosphere??) and I am captivated by his insight! If you haven't read it, I would highly reccommend it (See Hermie the Wormie section). On to some of my thoughts for the day. I can't wait for school to start! (Maybe someone should keep track..."How many weeks post-school start date does Brittany eat her words, 'I can't wait for school to start'") Actually, I'm excited to taste life as a non-reg. One who rolls out of bed, throws their hair in a pony-tail and tennis shoes on their feet and doesn't have to eat at Duncan Dining Center EVER!! I can approach this semester with a "fresh start" attitude that has even more pull than usual.....So many things are different! Living off-campus (I LOVE my rommates, by the way), not being in the Corps, going to football games in a t-shirt and shorts....oh, the glory and wonder. It's a whole new world out there, folks! Any tips on post-Corps living would be appreciated. One more thought for the day: I have joined Weight Watchers for the second time in my life. I'm pretty excited about it, and I'm feeling pretty good about it now, but I'm sure that there will be setbacks to temper my successes, so there will be some whiney blogging to follow (but hopefully not to much!) Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mondays....can you say BLECH!

Here it is again, a Monday. You wake up in the morning and wish it was yesterday or even tomorrow. I was super lazy this morning, I called John Michael and made him throw my bike into the back of the truck take me to work. So I didn't ride to work this morning. And I spent all day at ResLife wraping pictures on the wall and my boss's "priceless" gifts from students in bubble wrap. Packing for pay. Now, I am at the vet hospital, hoping that if I just don't look at the clock, time will somehow leap forward and the next time I look down, it will be 11:00. Nope...not working. But since you are probably sick of work griping, I have a happy story! Yesterday, John Michael and I were walking out of church in the evening, and I looked down, and saw a tiny baby bird. He had a precious yellow beak, a few short, scraggly feathers growing in and looked rather woebegone. He looked up at me and opened his yellow mouth and chirped...oh, dear. I was hooked...and crying. John Michael left me to watch and make sure no one stepped on our bird and tried to find his nest. The bird bounced (I wouldn't call it walking...) toward my foot and rested his little beak on my shoe while I talked to him (This isn't just my ovver-active imagination, I'm serious!) John Michael located the nest at the top of one corner of the overhang that shadows the doors of the church. You couldn't see them, but they were making the same noises as our little guy. Unable to find a ladder, John bached his truck up to the pole, stood on his tool box and placed our bird into his nest...It was so precious. I felt like we'd saved the world!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'...

Anyone remember that Dolly Parton song, 9to 5? Here are the lyrics:

Tumble outta bed
And stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawnin, stretchin, try to come to life
Jump in the shower
And the blood starts pumpin
Out on the streets
The traffic starts jumpin
And folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
Chorus:Workin 9 to 5What a way to make a livin
Barely gettin by
Its all takin
And no givin
They just use your mind
And they never give you credit
Its enough to drive you
Crazy if you let it
9 to 5, for service and devotion
You would think that
I would deserve a fair promotion
Want to move ahead
But the boss wont seem to let me in
I swear sometimes that man is out to get me
Mmmmm...They let your dream
Just a watch em shatter
Youre just a step
On the boss mans a ladder
But you got dream hell never take away
On the same boat
With a lot of your friends
Waitin for the day
Your ship'll come in
And the tides gonna turn
An its all gonna roll you away
9 to 5, yeah, they got you where they want you
Theres a better life
And you think that I would daunt you
Its a rich mans game
No matter what they call it
And you spend your life
Going funny if you want it

If you aren't a Dolly Parton fan, I'm sad for you. But anyway, that song is a bit extreme, and I'm actually working either 10am-11pm or 8am-5pm. I'm not complaining, it's just a lot sometimes. And I miss camp. Like crazy. I keep looking at the clock and telling myself, "Oh, the kids are in the mess hall, they're at group activity, they're outcamping...." on and on...and I wonder if I made the right decision. Does God approve of my decision? Or have I been selfish? "I want to get paid more, I want to be close to John Michael, I want to live off-campus..." I ache for camp sometimes. And no one really understands, and if they do, they're at camp right now! I'm tearing up just writing about.
About my jobs, I'm working at Residence Life at Texas A&M as a student worker. Answering phones, typing, delivering mail (In a golf cart! WOOO! It's pretty sweet), office assistant type stuff. Slowly working toward understanding "office politics" as John Michael calls them. I'm also a brand new student worker at the Texas A&M Large Animal Hospital, which is where I am currently writing (can't you tell how hard I am working??) I'm messing up a lot. I am new and the only one who doesn't know what she's doing. There's just so much to learn, about the phones and the quirks of the veterinarians (let's put it this way, they're not the types to say, "Hey it's ok! You're learning! Let's hold hands and sing Kum Bah Yah!") and the clients...whew. And let me tell you something else, 7:30 on a Saturday morning does actually exist! And God hates the world before 9am. Those are my jobs. They are exhausting, but they are paying my rent (which is kind of fun to be paying by myself!) More on the joys of being on my own later (living in a cute little house with some AMAZING roommates, riding my bike everywhere...other neat novelties). Not sure how coherent this blog was, but I feel better.