Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sorry friends, it's been a while

Due to popular demand, I have decided to begin blogging again...not that I ever have much to say. Since my last post (OVER a year ago!) My brother has commissioned with the United States Army (Hooah), I have graduated from the corps (finally), I got two jobs, I've had, and had to give up, a dog, I got a house off-campus, a credit card and 50 checks (to quote my handsome boyfriend, I'm a "big girl"). Speaking of my boyfriend, we've been dating a year this past March (if you were a regular of this blog you know our story all to well!) I have some new aspirations in life (curious, aren't 'cha?), I have some newly formed opinions on life and living that I think can only be obtained by someone who is slowly but surely attempting to grow up. My friends are changing, marriages, moves, graduations, disappointments, grad (med) schools, confronting God in ways that they never thought possible. I am awed and afraid of the expanse of life that streches before me....I still feel to young to handle it. To quote Sarah-bear, "We are adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?" Yesterday, I was standing in our (my roommates and my) backyard with John Michael and we saw a mom, dad, dog, baby combo. The baby was riding on dad's back in a back (baby?)-pack. I won't lie. I was jealous of that baby. Not neccessarily because she was hitching a free ride (talk about saving on gas, where do I sign up?), but because she is looking at the world with an untouched perspective. When you get "big" (what does that mean?) all kinds of things damage and tint the window that we were all given to look through. She simply depends on her parents and gets picked up when she cries, but as we grow, we have to learn to run to God for our comfort...which is hard. Where did all that philosophy come from? A little heavy for a welcome back post...but thanks for reading!


mom said...

So I just loved being the mom of the mom/dad/baby/dog combo. And so will you when the time comes. I love my momness now too but the role certainly has changed some
love mom

mom said...

Hey I wanted to add that the 'damage' you talk about is God-allowed and he obviously wants you to learn and (the bad word) grow from it--I can't wait to see what God has instore for you...