Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are two posts allowed in one day?

I'm not sure if this is against blogger etiquette, but oh well. Here it goes: I am in the Corps of Cadets. I am a woman in uniform. You don't like it? Fine, shut up and get out of my way. It doesn't mean that I am a man, or that I can beat the mug out of every guy I run into. To say, "Oh, I don't date girls in uniform" is stupid, and if you can't see past a girl's uniform, you don't deserve her anyway. Your loss. Get over yourself, grow a pair, and be a man. Beware: She might have feelings under that nasty uniform.


I AM MAKING GOOD GRADES IN SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!! I beat the curve on my first two exams, kicked the crap outta the one I just took, and am getting extra credit in a few of my classes as well! Get excited! WOOHOO!! School is so awesome right now, I don't have to force myself to study, nor do I have to be miserable in class because I actually want to go. I am thinking about writing a few magazine articles and sending them write a little and see how I like it. There's this huge book that is renewed every year called the Writer's Market, and it has every magazine that is published in North America. It has information on what type of articles they like, the editor's address and things like that. I doubt anything I write will get published, but it's worth a'd be pretty cool! Anyway, it is a lovely day outside, I'm going to take a nap after my breeds lab (Oh glorious sleep! How I love thee...), and I'm going swing dancing tonight! Ahhhhh....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama

I had another post up here. I read it and laughed. Out loud. It was so melodramatic...I'm in a bit of a predicament with boys, they are difficult, but that's not new. I have saved you from reading a horrendously teeny-bopperesque post that would've probably made you puke. That's ok, you can thank me later. I wonder if God ever laughs at our prayers. I like to imagine him smiling (and in some cases throwing his head back and guffawing), shaking His head and trying His best to get us to see the big picture. I have a message for Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life). Our purpose in this life is to serve God first and others next, and ourselves last. There's you a driving purpose. Ok, stepping off soapbox now. Oh, and just for the record, I am crazy about A&M and I think it's the absolute best place on earth. Whoop!

Friday, February 16, 2007

You'll never guess what I'm wearing....

Tonight we had the first part of the Aggie for Christ Sadie Hawkins party. It was called "Once Upon a Time..." It was childhood dress-up time! There was Mario and Princess Peach, Cruella deVille and a dalmation, Bob Barker and a contestant, Ariel and Eric, and Tinker Bell and Peter Pan. My date, Wes, and I dressed up as Aladdin and Jasmine. Yup. I am dressed in a sea foam top and poofy pants. We packed a lunch (ok, ok, he packed a lunch) of sausage rolls, grapes, and chips, and I found ten minutes earlier today to pop some chocolate chip cookies in Sarah's oven (what would I do without her??) Everyone was supposed to pack a dinner "like mom used to" (I don't daddy always packed my lunch...but hey, that's the Hock family, bustin' stereotypes since 1984). The get-together was fun, pictures in front of a golden-papered castle stuck to the wall, a life-sized game of trouble, remote control cars, and Disney's Robin Hood playing on the wall. Everyone's costumes were awesome, and we had fun, laughing and playing with each other's accessories (toy guns, bows and arrows, plastic swords, and the real machete that my crazy date brought!) After it was all said and done (Wes and I won 2nd place in the costume contest) we were sitting out in Wes's truck, waiting for it to warm up (it was freezing), when we got to checkin' out the tower over the church. It's pretty ornate, (compared to most every other church of Christ I've ever seen) with glass walls all around, and in the very top, a cross surrounded with bright lights. Quite a sight, especially at night. (hehe, read the end of the last sentence and the next one...they all rhyme!) Anyway, Wes told me that he heard that you could get to the very top of the tower through a door in the church. We smiled at each other, and decided to go adventuring. We found the door, climbed up five really narrow ladders, busted one of my sleeves, and finally made it to the top. The view was incredible. We talked about how God has a perspective that is so different from ours, how he doesn't wonder where all those taillights are retreating to, nor does he let his mind dwell on what people might be doing, he knows! We chatted and stared at the great expanse that spread below us, and then climbed all the way down and headed home. What a night, Disney princesses, sausage rolls, a game of trouble, and forbidden activities (tower-climbing). Pictures on the way of our Disney-inspired splendor. Oh, and the second night of Sadie Hawkins festivities is tomorrow...007 themed...any ideas on making myself a Bond lady?

Friday, February 9, 2007


I have the blessing/curse of going to school with my brother. The little goofball followed me here....not that I blame him, this is an amazing place! I hardly ever see him, he's usually busy with his "fishy" stuff, i.e. homework, being yelled at, cleaning. But we we're going to church last Sunday and he says, "Hey, do you want to know what I did this weekend?" I rolled my eyes, because usually what follows this question is an account of all the dumb stuff freshmen do, things they probably shouldn't do, and then I have to bite my tongue and let him ramble. Expecting this, I said, "Sure..." What followed was amazing. There is a little girl in Bryan named Tacey and she has cancer. Her family has become unable to pay for her medical expenses, so the A&M soccer coach is raising money for her and her family, proceeds from games and other things of the sort. My brother and his buddies spent the weekend in front of Lowe's asking for money for this little girl, then went to several local Old Ags and asked for money for their cause. All in all, they ended up raising $943 and some odd cents for Tacey and her family. I just stared at him. Don't get me wrong, this isn't out of character for my brother at all, this kind of thing is very typical of him. But him and his buddies? On a weekend? In college? Holy cow. I never want to hear another word about what is "wrong" with kids today. My brother and his buddies weren't prompted by anyone, they hadn't asked for awards or recognition. They saw someone in need and they took action. A better sermon I have never heard. You want to please God? Find someone in need and help them. It doesn't have to be $900 in cash, it can be helping a burdened mom carry her groceries out to the car or smiling at the lady who cleans the building where you work. I know that I'll never look at a free weekend the same again.

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it." ~Hebrews 13:2

Little brother, I am proud of the man you are becoming. It is a privilege to be your sister. I love you. Way to entertain angels, buddy!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hittin' the highlights

So, in the past month I have:
Turned 21 (and with that had some girly liquor and tequila)
Tried on my boots (FINALLY! ZIP '08! Whoop!)
Added Agricultural Journalism as a minor
Been to Mexico for the first time (For an hour and a half)
Enjoyed school for the first time in YEARS
Become a member of the Replant tree committee
Read until I lost track of time
Ran a Bloody Cross
Laughed until I hurt
Cried because I was hurt (not about the laughing...these are separate occasions!)
Used the Ab Lounge
Fell in love with my God all over again (and maybe realizing that this might have to be a daily thing...)
Made friends
...and been tired. I'm going to take a nap.