Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hittin' the highlights

So, in the past month I have:
Turned 21 (and with that had some girly liquor and tequila)
Tried on my boots (FINALLY! ZIP '08! Whoop!)
Added Agricultural Journalism as a minor
Been to Mexico for the first time (For an hour and a half)
Enjoyed school for the first time in YEARS
Become a member of the Replant tree committee
Read until I lost track of time
Ran a Bloody Cross
Laughed until I hurt
Cried because I was hurt (not about the laughing...these are separate occasions!)
Used the Ab Lounge
Fell in love with my God all over again (and maybe realizing that this might have to be a daily thing...)
Made friends
...and been tired. I'm going to take a nap.


mizpeach said...

BOOTS! Woohoo! you look marvelous, darling! Sounds like you are in the prime of your life and having the time of it- HAVE FUN!!! love you - Shannon

Iain said...

Hello Brittany, how're things? I'm writing to see if what your parents said was true (you know how out of touch they are). They told me you're engaging in some degree where you write for animals--some type of Dr. Dolittle except instead of talking to the animals you write for them!!!

Wooo....! Well you could have knocked me over with a feather-considering how far away from nursing that is---not to mention that animals can't read! Not the 4 legged variety anyway, I'm not talking about really smart fish...monkeys maybe-but they can probably only read small words need for a 4 year degree on your part!
Hey maybe you could blog for the animals too-it could be pet blog---surely pets have more $ than...say....horses or cows. They can steal it from their 'masters' if need be.
They would probably be interested in things like style, travel 401ks--things like that. Maybe you could write about other items of interest in their place to lie around during the to pull 1/4 lb hunks of butter off the counter, alternatives to spraying around the house; how not to get lost while chasing mice in the back yard...the choices are endless. Actually now that I think about it a career writing for pets may be the right way to go...think of it this way...there's no one else doing it so the field is WIDE OPEN!!!

Good luck sweetie--hey we're thinking of getting a cat--perhaps you could interview the prospects. I'm looking for a smart, quiet, obedient type-think you might write a 'manual' of sorts for them? let us know. talk to you soon.
