Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Swirlies and Other things

Yesterday, I was very productive. I went to office hours, studied, and prepared a finals schedule of sorts. I got all this done during the day so that at night, I could play with my female fish (freshman). My buddies were going to take the rest of the fish to go caroling on sorority row. This is always an interesting event. The fish dress up in togas and goofy looking hats to go woo the ladies. Anyway, because of the nature of this happening, the feamles stayed with us, ate Subway and watched the Notebook (how much girlier can you get?). Tradition has it that when the boys return, they are lined up for a picture outside the dorm, and the freshmen girls open up the second story window and dump several buckets of water on them. So they did that. Everything went beatifully. The fish opened the blinds (we were in two seperate rooms), we threw the window open, they dumped the water. It was great. And of course, as expected, the fish ran upstairs to obtain revenge on their buddies. I calmy told my fish to lock the door, wait til they cooled down, and then we could go finish the movie. To my surprise I hear one of my buddies at the door yell "one, Two, THREE" at which time 15 fish have plowed the door open. I figured that they were all there to get their own buddies, but no. I get tackled and mobbed by at least eight fish. Needless to say, I am shocked. They carry me to the bathroom with me kicking and screaming (there was way to many of them), stick my head IN A TOILET in the men's crapper and flushed. Oh my goodness. I was ready to kill my buddies, I ran out in the hallway, found Nick and tackled him to the floor. This brawling/running around/punching my buddies in the face/making fish do push-ups lasted about 15 minutes, when we all called it quits. It is kind of funny looking back on it, my juniors always get swirlied for their birthdays, so there has been many a time when I have laughed at my buddies when they got theirs. Anyway, after that whole ordeal my buddies laughed, hugged me and said that my face was hilarious. I rubbed my potty water hair on them, went and took a shower , and watched the rest of the movie with the freshman girls. And today, armed with 9 hours of sleep for the first time in a while, I am going to go get breakfast and study til my eyeballs fall out.


mom said...

So this is your college experience!!! I don't know ??? Sounds worse than goofy to me!! Unhealthy even..I hope your studying goes much better than your quiet evening...

MissAdaptation said...

Um, that? Is disgusting! I am sure your mom was so excited to hear about people putting your head in a stinky toilet! Leave the toilet thing up to Duncan. He is obsessed with them.

Iain said...

You seem relatively well adjusted...
It's hard to believe you're jr. in college. I remember when you were born. Your birth was really significant for me--it was so long ago.
I like the blog. keep it up.