Sunday, February 18, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama

I had another post up here. I read it and laughed. Out loud. It was so melodramatic...I'm in a bit of a predicament with boys, they are difficult, but that's not new. I have saved you from reading a horrendously teeny-bopperesque post that would've probably made you puke. That's ok, you can thank me later. I wonder if God ever laughs at our prayers. I like to imagine him smiling (and in some cases throwing his head back and guffawing), shaking His head and trying His best to get us to see the big picture. I have a message for Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life). Our purpose in this life is to serve God first and others next, and ourselves last. There's you a driving purpose. Ok, stepping off soapbox now. Oh, and just for the record, I am crazy about A&M and I think it's the absolute best place on earth. Whoop!


Cowman09 said...

Britt, sometimes you confuse and amaze me all at once.

mom said...

Helllooo I stayed home until you were in 3rd grade..don't tell me you don't remember little notes on napkins in your pink pony lunch box made by your MOM!!!
Hey who won first place?
Your date Wes looks like Martin Littlejohn you were in kindergarten with..dont' you think?

mom said...

I can't believe I am awake doing dishes at 2am and reading your blog and making a new account for myself..can't remember passwords to save my life....