Thursday, February 22, 2007


I AM MAKING GOOD GRADES IN SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!! I beat the curve on my first two exams, kicked the crap outta the one I just took, and am getting extra credit in a few of my classes as well! Get excited! WOOHOO!! School is so awesome right now, I don't have to force myself to study, nor do I have to be miserable in class because I actually want to go. I am thinking about writing a few magazine articles and sending them write a little and see how I like it. There's this huge book that is renewed every year called the Writer's Market, and it has every magazine that is published in North America. It has information on what type of articles they like, the editor's address and things like that. I doubt anything I write will get published, but it's worth a'd be pretty cool! Anyway, it is a lovely day outside, I'm going to take a nap after my breeds lab (Oh glorious sleep! How I love thee...), and I'm going swing dancing tonight! Ahhhhh....

1 comment:

mom said...

What's this about my beautiful daughter kicking ___!!! Well!!!!!! I am so very thrilled that you have found your nitch b/c it is important to do what God has designed you to do --there is a myth that we tell our kids;is that they can be anything they want to be and they can IF it is their creators will
as always I love you today, tomorrow and always