Friday, February 9, 2007


I have the blessing/curse of going to school with my brother. The little goofball followed me here....not that I blame him, this is an amazing place! I hardly ever see him, he's usually busy with his "fishy" stuff, i.e. homework, being yelled at, cleaning. But we we're going to church last Sunday and he says, "Hey, do you want to know what I did this weekend?" I rolled my eyes, because usually what follows this question is an account of all the dumb stuff freshmen do, things they probably shouldn't do, and then I have to bite my tongue and let him ramble. Expecting this, I said, "Sure..." What followed was amazing. There is a little girl in Bryan named Tacey and she has cancer. Her family has become unable to pay for her medical expenses, so the A&M soccer coach is raising money for her and her family, proceeds from games and other things of the sort. My brother and his buddies spent the weekend in front of Lowe's asking for money for this little girl, then went to several local Old Ags and asked for money for their cause. All in all, they ended up raising $943 and some odd cents for Tacey and her family. I just stared at him. Don't get me wrong, this isn't out of character for my brother at all, this kind of thing is very typical of him. But him and his buddies? On a weekend? In college? Holy cow. I never want to hear another word about what is "wrong" with kids today. My brother and his buddies weren't prompted by anyone, they hadn't asked for awards or recognition. They saw someone in need and they took action. A better sermon I have never heard. You want to please God? Find someone in need and help them. It doesn't have to be $900 in cash, it can be helping a burdened mom carry her groceries out to the car or smiling at the lady who cleans the building where you work. I know that I'll never look at a free weekend the same again.

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it." ~Hebrews 13:2

Little brother, I am proud of the man you are becoming. It is a privilege to be your sister. I love you. Way to entertain angels, buddy!


mizpeach said...

More than incredible, but in the least a surprise! both you and James are a real inspiration for me- thanks for telling this story- love you so much- Shannon

mizpeach said...

meant to say NOT in the least surprised!

MissAdaptation said...

I am so glad you had tequila on your b-day. I hope you did not like it too well, because well, it really is not your friend! Unless, of course, you are 38 and in Cozumel with very good friends...but I digress.

Glad to see you are blogging again and jealous you know how to do more than I with your blog. Love you.

Auntie Christie