Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are two posts allowed in one day?

I'm not sure if this is against blogger etiquette, but oh well. Here it goes: I am in the Corps of Cadets. I am a woman in uniform. You don't like it? Fine, shut up and get out of my way. It doesn't mean that I am a man, or that I can beat the mug out of every guy I run into. To say, "Oh, I don't date girls in uniform" is stupid, and if you can't see past a girl's uniform, you don't deserve her anyway. Your loss. Get over yourself, grow a pair, and be a man. Beware: She might have feelings under that nasty uniform.


MissAdaptation said...

Okay, I know who Amy Grant is but who doesn't. The others? I am too ancient.

Be warned, your uncle Iain knows about your new major.

We love you though!
C, I and D

mom said...

I want to know if anyone actually said that out loud or if you are surmising from their behavior?? Who would say such a wierd thing --you don't ALWAYS wear your uniform sort of a shallow thing to say really...
love mom